이거 훌륭하다. 이렇게 하면 스코드 코파일럿 기능을 커버 하게 된다. 기대를 못했다. 역시나 있구나. 동작해보니 괜찮네. 프론트엔드 백엔드 이래저래 다뤄볼 수 있다.

chep/copilot-chat.el Chat with Github #copilot in Emacs

(Chépied [2024] 2024)

  • Chépied, Cédric
  • Chat with Github copilot in Emacs !

Chat with Github copilot in Emacs !


;; (package! copilot-chat :recipe (:host github :repo "chep/copilot-chat.el" :files ("*.el"))) ; github copilot
;;;; llmclient: github copilot-chat
(use-package! copilot-chat
  :after request
  (setq copilot-chat-backend 'request)
  (setq copilot-chat-frontend 'markdown)
  ;; From https://github.com/chep/copilot-chat.el/issues/24
  (defun meain/copilot-chat-display (prefix)
    "Opens the Copilot chat window, adding the current buffer to the context.
Called with a PREFIX, resets the context buffer list before opening"
    (interactive "P")
    (require 'copilot-chat)
    (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
      ;; Explicit reset before doing anything, avoid it resetting later on
      ;; target-fn and ignoring the added buffers
      (unless (copilot-chat--ready-p)
      (when prefix (copilot-chat--clear-buffers))
      (copilot-chat--add-buffer buf)



Chépied, Cédric. (2024) 2024. “Chep/Copilot-Chat.El Chat with Github #Copilot in Emacs.” https://github.com/chep/copilot-chat.el.