NEXT 2024 "Clojure and Clojurescript Setup and Installation Tutorial (+ emacs/cider/shadow-cljs!)"

(Sammy Engineering 2024)

Useful Links:0:00 Clojure17:47 ClojureScript

먼저 개발 환경 측면?

sudo apt-get install leiningen

21 버전 설치하는구나. 아무렴.

➜ sudo apt-cache search leiningen
[sudo] junghan 암호:
leiningen - Automation tool and dependency manager for Clojure projects
libclj-stacktrace-clojure - more readable stacktraces in Clojure programs
libtools-namespace-clojure - tools for managing namespaces in Clojure
libversioneer-clojure - version introspection for Leiningen-generated projects
python3-pipdeptree - display dependency tree of the installed Python 3 packages
~ via  v20.14.0 via 🐍 v3.12.3
➜ sudo apt-get install leiningen
패키지 목록을 읽는 중입니다... 완료
의존성 트리를 만드는 중입니다... 완료
상태 정보를 읽는 중입니다... 완료
다음 패키지가 자동으로 설치되었지만 더 이상 필요하지 않습니다:
  gprename hamonikr-fonts libintl-perl libintl-xs-perl libjpeg9 optipng pyqt6-dev-tools
  python3-apsw python3-chm python3-css-parser python3-html2text python3-html5-parser
  python3-ifaddr python3-mechanize python3-py7zr python3-regex python3-repoze.lru
  python3-routes python3-texttable python3-xxhash python3-zeroconf webp
'sudo apt autoremove'를 이용하여 제거하십시오.
다음의 추가 패키지가 설치될 것입니다 :
  default-jdk-headless libclojure-java libcore-specs-alpha-clojure libjsr166y-java
  libnrepl-clojure libnrepl-incomplete-clojure libspec-alpha-clojure
제안하는 패키지:
  openjdk-21-demo openjdk-21-source
다음 새 패키지를 설치할 것입니다:
  default-jdk-headless leiningen libclojure-java libcore-specs-alpha-clojure
  libjsr166y-java libnrepl-clojure libnrepl-incomplete-clojure libspec-alpha-clojure
0개 업그레이드, 9개 새로 설치, 0개 제거 및 14개 업그레이드 안 함.
99.3 M바이트 아카이브를 받아야 합니다.
이 작업 후 116 M바이트의 디스크 공간을 더 사용하게 됩니다.
계속 하시겠습니까? [Y/n]

TODO 2023 "Lisp Tutorial for Beginners (Clojure)"

(Sammy Engineering 2023)

In this video I give a tutorial on Clojure, targeted at beginners!I cover how to do really basic stuff in clojure, like write functions, define variables, ca...



Sammy Engineering, ed. 2023. Lisp Tutorial for Beginners (Clojure). Directed by Sammy Engineering.

———, ed. 2024. Clojure and Clojurescript Setup and Installation Tutorial (+ Emacs/Cider/Shadow-Cljs!). Directed by Sammy Engineering.