2020 “SICM-utils meetup 12/2/2020 Sam Ritchie and Colin Smith”
(Jordan Miller 2020)
쿨 좋아.
(define (d x1 y1 x2 y2)
(sqrt (+ (square (- x2 x1)) (square (- y2 y1)))))
#| d |#
clerk 어떻게 구동하는가?
(“Clerk: Moldable Live Programming for Clojure #Quarto” n.d.)
emmy clerk clojure 수식 변환 모든 것을 해내다.
이게 길이였다. 이렇게 하면 다 가능해진다. 아래에 작성한다.
로컬에서 해야 하는데, 서버가 완전하지 않다. 이맥스에서 컨트롤 할 수 있어야 한다. 조직모드 말이다.
Sam Ritchie “mentat-collective/emmy: The Emmy Computer Algebra System.”
(Sam Ritchie 2024)
- emmy clone -> repl 실행 -> 붙여서 쓰는 방법
- Chapter 9: Our Notation - Nextjournal - nextjournal.com
Michiel Borkent 2024 “babashka/babashka”
(Michiel Borkent [2019] 2024)
Native, fast starting Clojure interpreter for scripting
deps-new 를 이용한 설치 - 템플릿으로 노트 만들기
clojure -Ttools install-latest :lib io.github.seancorfield/deps-new :as new
“#clerk #clojure #manual Computational notebooks”
구현 베이스
(“#Clerk #Clojure #Manual Computational Notebooks” n.d.) (“Clerk: Moldable Live Programming for Clojure #Quarto” n.d.)
Narayanan, Harish 2024 “hnarayanan/sicm” : 잘된다.
(Narayanan [2014] 2024)
Working through Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics. 잠깐. 이거봐라.
#cljdoc: Introduction — org.mentat/emmy 0.32.0
(“#Cljdoc: Introduction — Org.Mentat/Emmy 0.32.0” n.d.)
org.mentat/emmy: The Emmy Computer Algebra System. Documentation for org.mentat/emmy v0.32.0 on cljdoc.
Introduction — sicmutils 0.22.0 - cljdoc.org 이전 이름.
#클로저 문서화 방법에는 다음과 같다.
cljdoc — documentation for Clojure/Script libraries (“Cljdoc — Documentation for Clojure/Script Libraries” n.d.)
- 홈페이지 오픈
“#Clerk #Clojure #Manual Computational Notebooks.” n.d. Accessed November 3, 2024. https://book.clerk.vision/#book-of-clerk.
“Clerk: Moldable Live Programming for Clojure #Quarto.” n.d. Accessed October 11, 2024. https://clerk.vision.
“Cljdoc — Documentation for Clojure/Script Libraries.” n.d. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://cljdoc.org/.
“#Cljdoc: Introduction — Org.Mentat/Emmy 0.32.0.” n.d. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://cljdoc.org/d/org.mentat/emmy/0.32.0/doc/introduction.
Jordan Miller, ed. 2020. SICM-utils Meetup 12/2/2020 Sam Ritchie and Colin Smith. Directed by Jordan Miller. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyUSh0AAloA.
Michiel Borkent. (2019) 2024. “Babashka/Babashka.” babashka. https://github.com/babashka/babashka.
Narayanan, Harish. (2014) 2024. “Hnarayanan/Sicm #Sicm.” https://github.com/hnarayanan/sicm.
Sam Ritchie. 2024. “Mentat-Collective/Emmy: The Emmy Computer Algebra System.” https://github.com/mentat-collective/emmy.