Computational Physics
전산물리학(2022) - 파이썬
"Welcome to Phy380! — Computational Physics 이맥스 파이썬 전산물리" 2020
(“Welcome to Phy380! — Computational Physics 이맥스 파이썬 전산물리학” 2020)
- 1 Intro to UNIX; Remote login
- 2 The UNIX Filesystem; The Shell; Commands and wildcard
- 3 Scripting; Startup files; Emacs
- 4 Root finding techniques
- 5 Numerical differentiation and Integration
- 6 Latex ; Bibtex
- 7 Ordinary Differential Equations
- 9 Laplace’s Equation
- 10 Project
“Welcome to Phy380! — Computational Physics 이맥스 파이썬 전산물리학.” 2020. 2020.