
<2024-12-06 Fri>

(kevin-kelly-68.t2t) Being able to listen well is a superpower. While listening to someone you love keep asking them “Is there more?”, until there is no more. 잘 들을 수 있는 것은 초능력입니다. 당신이 좋아하는 사람의 말을 들을 때, 그 사람이 더 말할 게 없을 때까지 "더 없어?"라고 물어보세요.

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07:11 일단 업데이트

TODO 벤자민 무슨 생각하는거냐!

이 친구 다시보자

contacts::Benjamin Schwerdtner - faster-than-light-memes.xyz - benjamin-asdf

Exploring python libraries with libpython-clj, a better python than python

(faster-than-light-memes 2024)

  • Production quality rising in tiny, tiny amounts. I got a better mic now. This is how it looks when I develop / explore python at the clojure repl. Check libpython-clj, it has great documenation. Shout out to Chris Nuremberger for an amazing tool. There are also amazing talks about this: ~~•~Extending~Clojure~with~Python-Chris...~ Repl live, emacs live, clojure fun.

DONE 어쏠로지 어쏠로그 어쏠로지스트 어쏠리즘



faster-than-light-memes, ed. 2024. Exploring Python Libraries with Libpython-Clj, a Better Python than Python. Directed by faster-than-light-memes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tylHB6iWAdI.