TODO 수식 입력 너무 중요하다 어쩔꺼야

[2024-09-26 Thu 11:16]

프리뷰 방법

  • org-latex-preview : 빌트인
  • org-fragtog
  • math-preview 패키지

DONE 가이드

  • Inline equations are wrapped between \( and \).
    • $ wrapping also works, but it is not preferred as it comes with restrictions like "there should be no whitespace between the equation and the $ delimiters".

      So $ a=b $ will not work (it will look like: ), but $a=b$ will work (it will look like: ).

      On the other hand, both \(a=b\) (it will look like: ) and \( a=b \) (it will look like: ) will work.

  • One-per-line equations are wrapped between \[ and \] or $$ delimiters.

For example, below in Org:

LaTeX formatted equation: \( E = -J \sum_{i=1}^N s_i s_{i+1} \)

will look like this in Hugo rendered HTML (using MathJax):

LaTeX formatted equation:

이걸 어떻게 쉽게 입력할 수 있을까?

Here's another example, taken from Org Info: LaTeX fragments:

If $a^2=b$ and \( b=2 \), then the solution must be either
$$ a=+\sqrt{2} $$ or \[ a=-\sqrt{2} \]

Above renders to below using Mathjax:

If and , then the solution must be either or

Note that the last two equations show up on their own lines because those equations are wrapped in \[ .. \].

분수 표기

테스트 테스트 테스트 테스트

분수 입력 \frac{1}{13}


cd &alpha; &Phi; $$ ## Inline 인라인 ```markdown { linenos=false,filename="" } This $\sigma(z) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}$ is inline. ``` This $\sigma(z) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}$ is inline. ## Separate Paragraph 단락 ```markdown { linenos=false,filename="" } $$F(\omega) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(t) e^{-j\omega t} \, dt$$ ``` will be rendered as: $$F(\omega) = \int\_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(t) e^{-j\omega t} \\, dt$$ ## Chemistry 화학 기호 Chemistry expressions are supported via [mhchem]( extension. Inline: $\ce{H2O}$ is water. Separate paragraph: ```markdown { linenos=false,filename="" } $$\ce{Hg^2+ ->[I-] HgI2 ->[I-] [Hg^{II}I4]^2-}$$ ``` $$\ce{Hg^2+ ->[I-] HgI2 ->[I-] [Hg^{II}I4]^2-}$$ ## #관련링크 - [GitHub - tecosaur/LaTeX-auto-activating-snippets: Mirror of https://g-]( - [GitHub - ymarco/auto-activating-snippets: Snippets for Emacs that exp-]( ## <span class="org-todo done DONE">DONE</span> WSL 레이텍스 Latex 설치 ## Related-Notes - [조직모드 : 레퍼런스 - 휴고 블로깅](/notes/ ## References <style>.csl-entry{text-indent: -1.5em; margin-left: 1.5em;}</style><div class="csl-bib-body"> </div>