2024-12-19 잠시만 노트 추가 좀 하자
이 분이 이맥스 인터페이스에 위대한 일을 하셨다.
최민수 Charles Choi
(Charles Choi n.d.-a)
- Charles Choi
- A page from /notes from /dev/null
TIL Imenu
(Charles Choi n.d.-f)
- Charles Choi
- Recently I learned that Imenu is a thing. While likely old-hat to those who already know, nevertheless this post will endeavor to 1) restate Imenu’s profound usefulness, 2) argue that Imenu is...
Mathing in Emacs with Casual :
(Charles Choi n.d.-d)
- Charles Choi
- Emacs has long had a computer algebra system (CAS) packaged within it via Calc, but for many is unused because of its user interface design. Casual aims to provide a much easier CAS user...
Computing Truth Tables in Org :
(Charles Choi n.d.-b)
- Charles Choi
- Truth tables are great way to design and verify combinational logic. Useful as truth tables are, they however can be onerous to write: as the number of inputs grow, so does the size of table...
Styling Text via Keyboard in Org and Markdown :
(Charles Choi n.d.-e)
- Charles Choi
- A recent Mastodon post by Christian Tietze asked for how one could style text in Org with a keyboard. There is an existing command org-emphasize that can do this but it has a user interface...
Contextual Interfaces in Casual Calc :
(Charles Choi n.d.-c)
- Charles Choi
- A compelling idea in the Transient UI package is the ability to craft interfaces where commands specific to a context can be discovered and used. Such contextual interfaces enable a user to...
(Choi [2024] 2024)
- Choi, Charles
- Casual Suite - An umbrella package to support a single install point for all Casual user interfaces.
Testing Transient Menus (Charles Choi) Casual suite
(Testing Transient Menus (Charles Choi) Casual Suite 2024)
Can Casual Suite Improve Emacs UI? - System Crafters Live!
(System Crafters 2024)
- Can Casual Suite Improve Emacs UI?
이런 노트를가 있었다. 그러나 모든 이슈는 종결 되었다. 캐쥬얼 슈트가 그 등불이다. 캐쥬얼 슈트 - 이맥스 사용자 인터페이스 개선의 등불
Charles Choi. n.d.-a. “최민수 Charles Choi.” Accessed June 25, 2024. http://yummymelon.com/devnull/index.html.
———. n.d.-b. “Computing Truth Tables in Org.” Accessed June 25, 2024. http://yummymelon.com/devnull/computing-truth-tables-in-org.html.
———. n.d.-c. “Contextual Interfaces in Casual Calc.” Accessed August 20, 2024. http://yummymelon.com/devnull/contextual-interfaces-in-casual-calc.html.
———. n.d.-d. “Mathing in Emacs with Casual.” Accessed December 19, 2024. http://yummymelon.com/devnull/mathing-in-emacs-with-casual.html.
———. n.d.-e. “Styling Text via Keyboard in Org and Markdown.” Accessed December 19, 2024. http://yummymelon.com/devnull/styling-text-via-keyboard-in-org-and-markdown.html.
———. n.d.-f. “TIL Imenu.” Accessed July 3, 2024. http://yummymelon.com/devnull/til-imenu.html.
Choi, Charles. (2024) 2024. “Kickingvegas/Casual-Suite.” https://github.com/kickingvegas/casual-suite.
System Crafters, ed. 2024. Can Casual Suite Improve Emacs UI? - System Crafters Live! Directed by System Crafters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ikuZLRDmhU.
Testing Transient Menus (Charles Choi) Casual Suite. 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhExVelbhlY.