#실시간협업에디터 Collaborative real-time editor :2024
(“#실시간협업에디터 Collaborative Real-Time Editor” 2024)
A collaborative real-time editor is a type of collaborative software or web application which enables real-time collaborative editing, simultaneous editing, or live editing of the same digital document, computer file or cloud-stored data – such as an online spreadsheet, word processing document, database or presentation – at the same time by different users on different computers or mobile devices, with automatic and nearly instantaneous merging of their edits. Real-time editing performs automatic, periodic, often nearly instantaneous synchronization of edits of all online users as they edit the document on their own device. This is designed to avoid or minimize edit conflicts. With asynchronous collaborative editing (i.e. non-real-time, delayed or offline), each user must typically manually submit (publish, push or commit), update (refresh, pull, download or sync) and (if any edit conflicts occur) merge their edits. Due to the delayed nature of asynchronous collaborative editing, multiple users can end up editing the same line, word, element, data, row or field resulting in edit conflicts which require manual edit merging or overwriting, requiring the user to choose which edits to use or (depending on the system and setup) automatically overwriting their edits or other people’s edits, with or without a warning.
HackMD: Your Collaborative Markdown Workspace for Knowledge Sharing :
(“HackMD: Your Collaborative Markdown Workspace for Knowledge Sharing” n.d.)
HackMD gives you a real-time Markdown editor for collaborative work. Working with Markdown files in HackMD is simple, straightforward, and fun.
[2024-10-29 Tue 11:05] 대화 주제가 정해져 있다. 대화는 책.
데이타 공유. 버전 관리. 공동 번역. 검토. 채팅. 마크다운 서지관리 오메가티 모두 통합하는 방법 번역 오메가티 마크다운 폴더
[ ] 실시간업데이트는? 파일단위에서는 만만치 않다.
[-] 넥스트클라우드? 느리다.
동기화 깃허브 옵시디언 벨류
클론 하세요. 공동작업하게 됩니다.
junghan0611/calibrebooks - github.com 저장소는 여기다. 여기를 칼리브레 옵시디언 오메가티 다 호환되는 곳이 될 수도 있다.
“#실시간협업에디터 Collaborative Real-Time Editor.” 2024. In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Collaborative_real-time_editor&oldid=1240649076.
“HackMD: Your Collaborative Markdown Workspace for Knowledge Sharing.” n.d. Accessed October 29, 2024. https://hackmd.io.