주의력 결핍 과잉행동 장애 "Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder"


ADHD 선택적 집중 장애. 두뇌의 사령관 전전두엽 문제. 고질적인 도파민 부족 상태.

[Neurotypical]Important-based Nervous System vs. [ADHD] Interest-based Nervious System ADHD

Ref: Adult ADHD Isn’t What You Think It Is


[2023-08-16 Wed 06:24] (Duncan [2023] 2024)

  • Duncan, Brad
  • A curated list of ADHD apps, books, ideas and resources across the web!


[2023-10-20 Fri 22:34]

  • 그래서 결론은? 도움이 된 부분은?
  • In this episode, I discuss ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder): what it is, the common myths, and the biology and psychology of ADHD.
  • I discuss both behavioral and pharmacologic treatments for ADHD, and brain-machine interface tools. I also discuss behavioral training protocols that can improve focus in people with ADHD and those without ADHD, and for people of different ages. I discuss the role of dopamine in coordinating 'default-mode' and 'task-related' neural networks, attentional "blinks" (lapses of attention) and how to overcome them, and the role of actual blinks in time perception and attention. Finally, I review some of the prescription and over-the-counter compounds for increasing focus such as Adderall, Ritalin, Modafinil and Armodafinil, the racetams, Alpha-GPC and phosphatidylserine and the role of diet for managing ADHD (and the controversies of diet for ADHD).
  • The role of cell phones/technology in ADHD and ADHD-like challenges with focus are also discussed. Throughout, both basic science and clinical scenarios, as well as applicable tools and resources are covered.
  • 요약을 해보자.
  • 참고 자료
  • Tools
  • #books/subject/ADHD


#키워드 adhd



Duncan, Brad. (2023) 2024. “XargsUK/Awesome-Adhd.” https://github.com/XargsUK/awesome-adhd.