엄청 편리한 방법이다.


(Timothy [2020] 2024)

  • [X] 수식 테스트

뭔가 구리다. 이거 기본으로 가서 해보라 고전역학 수식 쳐넣는 방법 좀 연구해줘

Mirror of https://git.tecosaur.net/tec/LaTeX-auto-activating-snippets

A chunky set of LaTeX snippets for the auto-activating-snippets engine.

Sample Configuration

(use-package laas
  :hook (LaTeX-mode . laas-mode)
  :config ; do whatever here
  (aas-set-snippets 'laas-mode
                    ;; set condition!
                    :cond #'texmathp ; expand only while in math
                    "supp" "\\supp"
                    "On" "O(n)"
                    "O1" "O(1)"
                    "Olog" "O(\\log n)"
                    "Olon" "O(n \\log n)"
                    ;; bind to functions!
                    "Sum" (lambda () (interactive)
                            (yas-expand-snippet "\\sum_{$1}^{$2} $0"))
                    "Span" (lambda () (interactive)
                             (yas-expand-snippet "\\Span($1)$0"))
                    ;; add accent snippets
                    :cond #'laas-object-on-left-condition
                    "qq" (lambda () (interactive) (laas-wrap-previous-object "sqrt"))))


cdlatex and this very nice blog post.


Note: The rendering on GitHub is a little wonkey. It should be understandable enough, but in any case you can also view this file from emacs:

(browse-url-emacs "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tecosaur/LaTeX-auto-activating-snippets/master/README.org")

Basic set

(aas--format-doc-to-org 'laas-basic-snippets)
Basic snippets. Expand only inside maths.
(aas--format-snippet-array laas-basic-snippets)

| != | ≠ | |----------|---------------------| | !> | \mapsto | | ** | ⋅ | | +- | ± | | -+ | \mp | | -> | → | | ... | … | | << | ≪ | | <= | ≤ | | <> | ⋄ | | =< | \impliedby | | == | &= | | => | \implies | | >= | ≥ | | >> | ≫ | | AA | ∀ | | EE | ∃ | | cb | ^3 | | iff | \iff | | inn | ∈ | | notin | ¬∈ | | sr | ^2 | | xx | × | | ❘-> | \mapsto | | ❘= | \models | | ❘❘ | \mid | | ∽= | ≈ | | ∽∽ | ∼ | | arccos | arccos | | arccot | \arccot | | arccot | \arccot | | arccsc | \arccsc | | arcsec | \arcsec | | arcsin | arcsin | | arctan | arctan | | cos | cos | | cot | cot | | csc | csc | | exp | exp | | ln | ln | | log | log | | perp | ⊥ | | sin | sin | | star | * | | gcd | gcd | | min | min | | max | max | | eqv | ≡ | | CC | \CC | | FF | \FF | | HH | \HH | | NN | \NN | | PP | \PP | | QQ | \QQ | | RR | \RR | | ZZ | \ZZ | | ;a | α | | ;A | ∀ | | ;;A | ℵ | | ;b | β | | ;;;c | cos | | ;;;C | arccos | | ;d | δ | | ;;d | ∂ | | ;D | Δ | | ;;D | ∇ | | ;e | ε | | ;;e | ε | | ;;;e | exp | | ;E | ∃ | | ;;;E | ln | | ;f | φ | | ;;f | ϕ | | ;F | Φ | | ;g | γ | | ;;;g | lg | | ;G | Γ | | ;;;G | 10? | | ;h | η | | ;;h | ℏ | | ;i | ∈ | | ;;i | ı | | ;I | ι | | ;;I | \Im | | ;;j | ȷ | | ;k | κ | | ;l | λ | | ;;l | ℓ | | ;;;l | log | | ;L | Λ | | ;m | μ | | ;n | ν | | ;;;n | ln | | ;N | ∇ | | ;;;N | exp | | ;o | ω | | ;O | Ω | | ;;O | ℧ | | ;p | π | | ;;p | ϖ | | ;P | Π | | ;q | θ | | ;;q | ϑ | | ;Q | Θ | | ;r | ρ | | ;;r | \varrho | | ;;R | \Re | | ;s | σ | | ;;s | ς | | ;;;s | sin | | ;S | Σ | | ;;;S | arcsin | | ;t | τ | | ;;;t | tan | | ;;;T | arctan | | ;u | υ | | ;U | Υ | | ;v | ∨ | | ;V | Φ | | ;w | ξ | | ;W | Ξ | | ;x | χ | | ;y | ψ | | ;Y | Ψ | | ;z | ζ | | ;0 | ∅ | | ;8 | ∞ | | ;! | ¬ | | ;^ | ↑ | | ;& | ∧ | | ;∽ | ≈ | | ;;∽ | ≅ | | ;_ | ↓ | | ;+ | ∪ | | ;- | ↔ | | ;;+ | ⊕ | | ;;- | \longleftrightarrow | | ;* | × | | ;/ | ¬ | | ;❘ | \mapsto | | ;;❘ | \longmapsto | | ;\ | ∖ | | ;= | ⇔ | | ;;= | \Longleftrightarrow | | ;( | ⟨ | | ;) | ⟩ | | ;[ | ⇐ | | ;;[ | \Longleftarrow | | ;] | ⇒ | | ;;] | \Longrightarrow | | ;{ | ⊂ | | ;} | ⊃ | | ;< | ← | | ;;< | \longleftarrow | | ;;;< | min | | ;> | → | | ;;> | \longrightarrow | | ;;;> | max | | ;' | ′ | | ;. | ⋅ |

Annoying Subscripts

(aas--format-doc-to-org 'laas-subscript-snippets)
Automatic subscripts! Expand In math and after a single letter.
(aas--format-snippet-array laas-subscript-snippets)

| ii | X_i, or XYi if a subscript was typed already | |-------|---------------------------------------------------------| | ip1 | _{i+1} | | jj | X_j, or XYj if a subscript was typed already | | jp1 | _{j+1} | | nn | X_n, or XYn if a subscript was typed already | | np1 | _{n+1} | | kk | X_k, or XYk if a subscript was typed already | | kp1 | _{k+1} | | 0 | X_0, or XY0 if a subscript was typed already | | 1 | X_1, or XY1 if a subscript was typed already | | 2 | X_2, or XY2 if a subscript was typed already | | 3 | X_3, or XY3 if a subscript was typed already | | 4 | X_4, or XY4 if a subscript was typed already | | 5 | X_5, or XY5 if a subscript was typed already | | 6 | X_6, or XY6 if a subscript was typed already | | 7 | X_7, or XY7 if a subscript was typed already | | 8 | X_8, or XY8 if a subscript was typed already | | 9 | X_9, or XY9 if a subscript was typed already |

The infamous fraction

(aas--format-doc-to-org 'laas-frac-snippet)
Frac snippet.
Expand to a template frac after //, or wrap the object before point if it isn~t /.
ab/ => \frac{ab}{}
// => \frac{}{}
(aas--format-snippet-array laas-frac-snippet)

| | | |-----|--------------------------------------| | / | See the docs of `laas-frac-snippet' |

Simpler Accents

(aas--format-doc-to-org 'laas-accent-snippets)
A simpler way to apply accents. Expand If LaTeX symbol immidiately before point.
(aas--format-snippet-array laas-accent-snippets)

| 'r | Wrap in \mathrm{} or \textrm{} | |-------|------------------------------------| | 'i | Wrap in \mathit{} or \textit{} | | 'b | Wrap in \mathbf{} or \textbf{} | | 'e | Wrap in \mathemph{} or \textemph{} | | 'y | Wrap in \mathtt{} or \texttt{} | | 'f | Wrap in \mathsf{} or \textsf{} | | 'l | Wrap in \textsl | | '. | Wrap in \dot{} | | ': | Wrap in \ddot{} | | '∽ | Wrap in ~ | | 'N | Wrap in \widetilde{} | | '^ | Wrap in \hat{} | | 'H | Wrap in \widehat{} | | '- | Wrap in \bar{} | | 'T | Wrap in \overline{} | | '_ | Wrap in \underline{} | | '{ | Wrap in \overbrace{} | | '} | Wrap in \underbrace{} | | '> | Wrap in \vec{} | | '/ | Wrap in \grave{} | | '" | Wrap in ´ | | 'v | Wrap in ✓ | | 'u | Wrap in \breve{} | | 'm | Wrap in \mbox{} | | 'c | Wrap in \mathcal{} | | '0 | Wrap in {\textstyle } | | '1 | Wrap in {\displaystyle } | | '2 | Wrap in {\scriptstyle } | | '3 | Wrap in {\scriptscriptstyle } | | 'q | Wrap in \sqrt{} | | ..␣ | Wrap in \dot{} | | ,. | Wrap in \vec{} | | ., | Wrap in \vec{} | | ∽␣ | Wrap in ~ | | hat | Wrap in \hat{} | | bar | Wrap in \overline{} |


[2024-11-06 Wed 21:58]

입니다. 대박.



Timothy. (2020) 2024. “Tecosaur/LaTeX-auto-activating-snippets.” https://github.com/tecosaur/LaTeX-auto-activating-snippets.